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Mike Thurston Diet and Workout Plan

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Mike Thurston diet tells about heathy eating for bodybuilding and stays healthy. He eats around 6 meals a day. He is a popular personal trainer, Mike is occasionally cheating his diet plan within a year. He also takes supplements for bodybuilding let's start with Mike Thurston diet and workout plan.

About Mike Thurston?

Mike Thurston is a personal fitness trainer and a social media influencer. He was born and raised in England. He was in love with bodybuilding and fitness since his teenage. With his constant hard work and stubbornness, He created an incredible physique. At the age of 26, He had become a personal fitness trainer. Mike has a huge fan following on his Youtube channel, Where he posts videos about training and nutrition.

  • Nationality : British
  • Profession : Personal Trainer, Online Coach and Entrepreneur
  • Year-Of-Birth : 1990

Mike tells about his diet and workout via many interviews, Instagram chats, and other social media platforms like youtube. When he was 18 years old, He fell in love with weight lifting and the gym. His determination is wonderful because he says he did. [incontent_ads]

Mike Thurston Body Measurement

Mike Thurston Weight is 205–215 lbs (88.5–93.0 kg). His Height in Feet is 6

  • Height – 6′ (183 cm)
  • Weight – 205 – 215 lbs (88.5 – 93.0 kg)

If we want to have a good physique body then we need to concentrate on our diet and workout. He follows his diet plan and workout very strictly. In 2013, He become a professional trainer. After that, he took the decision to quit a job and start a career in the fitness industry.

Mike Thurston Diet

Mike Thurston Diet

If we think about diet, all our body health depends on what type of diet we prefer to our body, like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like, What should we eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is the most important factor in muscle building.Mike never take carbs in morning because he don't working out in morning. If you are train yourself in morning then it will be better to take high carbs in the morning. Mike's diet is about lean proteins, complex carbs and vegetables.[incontent_ads]Meal 1

  • Omelette with 4 eggs
  • 1 slice of bacon
  • Half an avocado
  • Tomatoes, dill, onions, mushrooms
  • Butter

Meal 2

  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 50 grams raspberries
  • 50 grams blueberries
  • 30 grams peanut butter
  • Honey and 1 cup almond milk

Meal 3

  • 1 scoop of vegan protein powder mixed with oat milk and fruit (Post-workout)

Meal 4

  • 200 grams of teriyaki salmon
  • 300 grams rice and broccoli

Meal 5

  • Brown rice crackers
  • A banana

Meal 6

  • 200 grams minced beef
  • 300 grams sweet potato
  • Green beans


  • Omega 3 Fish Oil Tablets
  • Vitamin D3 tablets
  • BCAA
  • Whey Protein

Above all tells about Mike's diet plan and what he eats within a single day. His favorite healthy meal is chicken or Salmon with sweet potatoes, rice and vegetables. Mike believes that when it comes to nutrition the most important factor is calories. Increase calories can make your muscle and decrease it to lose fat. Mike also drinks 3-4 liters of water in a single day and always stays hydrated.

Mike Thurston Workout

Mike Thurston Workout

Before starting the workout routine or training routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. And don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out, because It’s helped you to do injury-free workout or exercise.

Split Workout

  • Monday – Chest and Back
  • Tuesday – Quads and Calfs
  • Wednesday – Shoulders And Traps
  • Thursday – Hamstrings and Back
  • Friday – Arms
  • Saturday – Abs
  • Sunday – Rest

Deltoids And Traps Workout

  • 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Seated Military Press
  • 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Standing Overhead Press
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Seated Lateral Raise
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Upright Row
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Front Raise
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Incline DB Rear Delt Fly
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Hex Bar Shrugs
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — DB Shrugs

Chest And Triceps

  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Incline dumbbell press
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Decline dumbbell flys (superset with Incline dumbbell flys)
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Incline barbell press
  • 2-3 sets & 8-12 reps — Chest press

Arms Workout

  • 4 sets & 10 reps — Flat dumbbell skullcrusher
  • 4 sets & 10 reps — Cable pressdown
  • 3 sets & 10-12 reps — Overhead rope extension
  • 3 sets & 15 reps — Feet elevated bench dip
  • 4 sets & 8 reps — Standing barbell curl
  • 4 sets & 10 reps — Alternating dumbbell hammer curl
  • 4 sets & 10 reps — Standing EZ bar cable curl

Quads And Calves

  • Slow decent tension squats
  • One legged elevated squats for the hamstrings
  • Barbell hack squats
  • Walking Lunges

Shoulder Workout

  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Seated dumbbell shoulder press
  • 3 sets & 10 reps — Seated dumbbell lateral raise
  • 3 sets & 10 reps — Standing cable lateral raise
  • 3 sets & 10 reps — Incline dumbbell rear delt raise
  • 3 sets & 10 reps — Rear delt fly machine

Back Workout

  • 3 sets & 10 reps — Bent over barbell row
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Wide grip lat pulldown
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — One arm dumbbell row
  • 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Standing cable lat pulldown
  • 3 sets & 10 reps — Barbell rack pull

If you want to save pdf of these then simply press "Ctrl + P" on your Pc or Laptop.As we see you need to work hard to achieve bodybuilding like Mike Thurston. So his diet plan and his workout plan and his daily routine inspire and motivate us.https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSGXYGDFE4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkAlso Read : Ulisses Jr Diet and Workout Plan

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