Looking at Gal Gadot, it seems like she takes all her roles seriously. Knowing that she has been all over the news, it seems like she has learned everything there is to know about how to look like a superhero and transformed her body into one too.

She has been known to be skinny but thanks to her trainer and commitment for an extensive workout, she put tons of muscles quickly. Of course, she had to work a lot for it. Her trainer put her through an immense work out routine including a rowing machine, warm-ups, burpees, crab walks, pull-ups, and push-ups. For some added strength, she also went through some strength training exercises and even climbed walls in the gym.Seems tiring? That's exactly the amount of pressure and effort Gal Gadot had to go through to achieve a toned and sculpted physique. This includes being focus not just weeks, but months ago. She trained hard for 6 months before the shoot. Her body is not exactly the athletic type and she does not seem to gain much muscle; you can clearly imagine the pain.

The stunning actress also spent a lot of time filming for her projects, traveling and of course, being a mom (I bet most of us didn't even know that and now that we do, t is hard to believe!)
Below is a glimpse of her daily health routine that she follows and includes her workout schedule and diet plan.
Gal Gadot Body Measurements
Height: 5’ 10”Weight: 128 lbsBust: 34”;Waist: 23”Hip: 34”
Gal Gadot Diet Plan and Nutrition

Her job is not easy. She is continuously on the go when on shoots. This physically demanding schedule requires her to eat even more healthily with the right kind and amount of calories. She, therefore, does not only have to work in the gym alone, but also in the kitchen. Her basic tricks: Having sufficient vegetables and protein in every meal and chugging tons of water. Literally. Tons.Mornings: In the morning, the actress loves to have some eggs with fruits and her shot of coffee. Eggs are a wonderful source of protein and it helps her feel throughout the day and diminishes any cravings. She also likes to make smoothies out of parsley, celery, apples and other greens that she might lay her hands upon. This is something she also enjoys with her 5-year-old daughter, Alma.Snacks: Vegetables are another staple in her diet and not only does she eat a lot of it herself, but she makes sure her family is eating it too. It makes at least 30 to 40 percent of the diet. Vegetables are considered superfoods and she likes to have them during snacks too.Gal Gadot makes sure to eat throughout the day in smaller portions. She has a busy schedule and needs constant energy to keep her going. One of her favorite snacks along with veggies are avocado toast, and guess what? a side of vegetables. She once took to Instagram to post her plate of colorful vegetables along with the avocado toast she loves so much. She captioned it, "Late snack time."Avocado does not only tastes creamy and yummy but also offers many vitamins and minerals. They are low in sugar and has a lot of fiber. It, therefore, helps you feel full for a long time. They are also packed with the good kind of fat, so do not worry about it at all.

Indulgence and Moderation: Gadot, other than being the superwoman, is also a normal being. She gives in to her indulgence a lot of time but she sticks to the philosophy of moderation. That's the ultimate to live a healthy life.
Although her diet is designed by her trainer and to be followed by strict rules and guidelines, she likes to have a few cheat meals now and then. In an interview, she says,
"I'm a foodie and I love to eat. It's important to look at food as your fuel. I look at food and want it to give me the best body I can be. Of course, I have bad things like burgers, chocolate or icecreams."
She further tells that her diet is all about eating healthily and giving permission to indulge now and then. She explained, "I don't restrict myself, I can eat anything. It's all a matter of measurement. Just enjoy your food and don't eat while you drive. or when you're on the phone. Give your food the respect it deserves, and enjoy it."A Sense ofBalance: Gal Gadot follows her trainer's advice that how quality precedes quantity. He told her that it's not about how much hours you spend in the gym but what you do while you are at it. The other hours when you are not training are important too. He also told her about the importance of rest and the importance of striking a balance between rest and work. "Poor nutrition and inadequate sleep reduce the effectiveness of weight training by 20-30 percent," he said.

She also gives the credit to the message her trainer gave her saying, 'Your food is your fuel'. She has always made prudent choices ever since.Including a Lot Of Leans and Greens: With this being said, Gal makes sure that she is getting the right kind of food. She makes sure to have a lot of greens in her diet. Her plate is half-filled with protein and the other half is filled by vegetables. It is the balanced approach that she strives to achieve.Lean proteins are great for sculpting your body and to give it a toned look. Greens have the most amount of nutrients. That said, the combo is perfect. Thomas Bradley, her trainer has advised her to stay away from all that might "seem" healthy. The list includes green juices that are high in sugar and devoid of fiber content. Instead, Gal makes herself smoothies. In his own words, Bradley says: "Balance each meal with equal amounts of protein and greens, and to be wary of seemingly healthy choices like green juice, which can be highly caloric thanks to the large amounts of natural sugars in some fruits and veggies."Smoothies are a great way to get in the fiber and are more filling than the juices. It also helps to reduce bloating. As for the choice of vegetables, it is important that you are choosing green leafy vegetables. They are full of Vitamin B which helps in converting the food into energy. That will seriously impact the energy levels at the gym.That being said, green smoothies are already so much in trend in any Hollywood diet. It is a great way to consume more vegetables and fruits. And, it tastes great!

On this, Gal Gadot makes a remark: "I'm a big fan of a good diet and healthy lifestyle. You have to eat a lot of vegetables, drink a lot of water and stay active. I believe what we put in our bodies will reflect how we look on the outside."Focus on Drinking a Lot Of Water: Water is an important part of her diet. Her trainer makes sure that Gal Gadot is consuming at least a gallon each day. She likes to divide the intake into parts throughout the day. She fills up on a lot of it as the day starts and finishes it by the end. She explained the results in the interview herself, saying, "Drink a gallon of water each day. Not only did I feel fuller, but it made me snack less. I felt so hydrated that my physical endurance improved too."Gal Gadot On Her Body Image: Gal Gadot admits to having a positive body image. She lives in a world where people are judged on how they look and strive to be perfect at all times. It has all changed for her after she became a mom. But she does admit that achieving a certain look after her pregnancy was a bit of struggle.Despite it, she has achieved it. Not just a striking body but she went from studying law, serving in the military and being a fashion model only to achieve Miss Israel, she has had it all.She does admit to having societal pressures but she still believes in herself. She also promotes women empowerment as women are expected to be great at everything--from being a parent to watching how they look. She tells in an interview, "We're also stronger, sophisticated and can achieve what we want. That's what I would like my daughter to grow up knowing."

Don't Lose Hope If You Don't Succeed At First: Gal Gadot considers herself the ultimate example of this. She goes by this motto “When At First You Don’t Succeed, Try Again”
Gal Gadot Workout Routine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWn1w-73Q4kGal Gadot hits the gym for a staggering amount of time--6 hours! She kept up this routine for over 6 months. She reveals all about her exercise routine in an interview, "I did two hours of gym work, two hours fight choreography, and two hours horseback riding. Which is super hard," she said."When people used to tell me, 'Yeah I do sports I ride horses,' I was like, 'That's not a sport. The horse does everything.' No! No! You'd be surprised—it's so painful."
Initially, it was a bit difficult for the actress because she was not used to gymming. She explained this in an interview, "In my ordinary life when I don't work, I like to paddleboard and do TRX." She does not like to hit the gym that often and likes to stick to her usual activities which helped in getting her leaner before. In addition to this, she also did some rock climbing which was helpful to develop chest, shoulder, abs and lats muscle. Her trainer, Mark Twight, designed an intense workout schedule for her so that she could gain some muscle mass.
Gal Gadot performed the subsequent workouts in a circuit. She took a rest between each circuit for 60 to 120 seconds to help prevent any injuries.

Cardio Training:
- Running or Jogging for warming up (5-10 mins)
- Mountain Climbers (1 min)
- Rowing (5 mins)
- Burpee with Broad Jumps (1 min)
- Bird Dog (1 min)
- Push-Ups (sets: 5, reps: 3)
- Pull-Ups (sets: 7, reps: 3)
Strength Training:
- Jogging and Rowing for warming up (5-10 mins)
- Romanian Deadlifts (sets: 3, reps: 5)
- Bent-Over Row (sets: 3, reps: 5)
- Reverse Curl (sets: 3, reps: 5)
- Weighted Squats (sets: 4, reps: 3)
- Throwing a light medicine ball (5 mins)
Arms and Abs Training:
- Push-Ups (30 seconds)
- Plank with 30-sec hold
Push and Pull Exercises:The exercises include:
- Jog for 1 mile as a warm-up
- Pull-Ups – 3 sets x 10 reps (if you cannot do this bodyweight, use an assisted pull-up machine)
- Pushups – 3 sets x 10-15 reps
- Lunges with Dumbbells – 3 sets x 10 reps on each leg
- Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells – 3 sets x 10 reps
- Kettlebell Swings – 3 sets x 12 reps
- Sprints – [Superset] 3 sets x 60 secs
- Heavy Bag Punches – [Superset] 3 sets x 60 secs
- Jump Rope – [Superset] 3 sets x 60 secs
Battle Ropes:She did a lot of these exercises for the action movie she had to take a part in.
- Jog for 1 mile or use the rowing machine for 5 minutes as a warm-up
- Chin-ups – 3 sets x 10 reps (if you cannot perform a bodyweight chin-up, use an assisted pull-up machine)
- Burpees – 3 sets x 10 reps
- Tuck Jumps – 3 sets x 10 reps
- Front Squat – 3 sets x 10 reps
- Clean and Press – 3 sets x 10 reps
- Shadow Box – [Superset] 3 sets x 60 secs
- V-Ups – [Superset] 3 sets x 60 secs (can be substituted with Dead Bugs or Mountain Climbers)
- Jump Rope – [Superset] 3 sets x 60 secs
The workout session lasted from 45 minutes to one hour including different kinds of exercises with a lot of variations.
Here are some of the most regular exercises that are done by the actress to stay in shape:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc0VjsAh-SEEXERCISE 1: Rowing MachineThe first thing Gadot does is use the rowing machine for 1-2 minutes at a moderate pace to warm herself up. Ther is a little break after the first exercise.
EXERCISE 2: Rowing Machine
The next exercise contains a set of rowing again. This time the intensity is a little higher and she does it for a bit more time too. She shuffles between high intensity and low intensity. There's a rest for 1 to 2 minutes after that.She chooses to do rowing as a medium of her cardio and warm-up because it is a low impact workout and she couldn't afford to get injured during any sessions. It can be otherwise substituted with any other high or moderate-intensity warm-up.
EXERCISE 3: Bear Crawl
The next exercise is a bear crawl. Many tutorials are available online if you don't know how to do it. After completing this exercise, she would rest for at least 30 seconds before she hops on to the next one.
EXERCISE 4: Burpee Broad Jumps
Burpees are a staple exercise for anyone who is looking for losing fat, building muscle and strength. They may seem like the easiest exercise to do but you can add a lot of variation in it, for instance, a push-up or a squat. There is a rest for 30 seconds after this exercise before she moves on to the next.
EXERCISE 5: Crab Walks
We have all done crab walks during our gym classes and this is no different. They were difficult and not to forget, awkward. It also made all our body parts hurt so much. Clearly, it was the most hated yet impactful exercise. If done right, it is beneficial for the whole body and will make your core, legs and arms muscles sore afterward. Just like the other exercises, this exercise, too, is followed by a 30 second rest period.

EXERCISE 6: Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are considered the best exercise for developing those lats and a great upper body exercise, in general. Gadot does a set of seven pull-ups with three to four pull-ups in each set. She would then take a small break before she jumps onto her last exercise.
EXERCISE 7: Ring Push-Ups
These are certainly not the regular pull-ups. It has been turned up several notches for her. Believe it or not, but they were very much a part of her schedule. Gadot did five sets of three to four pull-ups each to develop her upper body strength. She followed this with a 1-minute break to recover and move on to the next sets. This is the last exercise in her workout circuit. You can also substitute ring pull-ups with other forms of calisthenics exercises if they are not readily available.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlBqwOsKgTEFrom studying law to serving in the military and being Miss Israel, it definitely seems like Gadot is pretty committed to her work. She is truly a Wonder Woman. Besides this, her sense of humor and wit will definitely turn you into a fan if you are not one yet. She surprises her fans with more new talents that make them love her even more. With that being said, that was all about how she achieves all this with her tough and kick-ass workout and her superb diet plan.