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Chris Cormier Diet And Workout Routine

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The Chris Cormier diet contains complex carbs and lean protein and fats. He focuses much on his diet. He loves to eat lean meat as much as he can. He also supplements his body whenever it needs. In this post, You can read about Chris Cormier's workout routine and diet plan.

Who is Chris Cormier?

Chris Cormier is an IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is the best professional bodybuilder for all time. His nickname is 'The Real Deal'.Chris was born and raised in Palm Springs, California. He loves sports since he was a child and participated in many sports games.He also joined the weightlifting team in high school. He was also gone for the weightlifting competitions and tournaments against other weight lifters.

  • Nationality: French
  • Profession: Professional Bodybuilder and Powerlifter
  • Date-of-Birth: August 26, 1983

He competed in his first competition, When he was just 15 years old. He gave his 100 percent in every competition.His last junior competition – the NPC Teen Nationals, Hi won it in 1987 after that he allowed in adult competitions in NPC.He likes to help others who want to build muscle and who loves bodybuilding. First, He developed weight lifting skills and then nutrition knowledge.Also Read: Scarlett Johansson Diet and Workout

Chris Cormier Body Measurement or Stats

  • Height —‎ 5'10" (177.5cm)
  • Weight — 245 - 255lbs (111.1 - 115.7kg)
  • Arm — 22 inches
  • Chest —‎ 52 inches
  • Waist —‎ 32 inches

If we want to have a good physique body then we need to concentrate on our diet and workout. He follows his diet plan and workout very strictly. We have to avoid processed foods from our diet and only focus on fresh and clean foods.If you want to have a healthy body then you have to control the food that you eat. That means you have to eat healthy food that gives your body healthy macronutrients like protein, carbs, and fats. You need to maintain the balance between them.[incontent_ads]

Chris Cormier Diet

Chris Cormier Diet

If we think about diet, all our body health depends on what type of diet we prefer to our body like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like, What should you need to eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is the most important factor in muscle building.

  • Meal 1: 8-10 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal
  • Meal 2: 10 oz chicken breast with brown rice and broccoli
  • Meal 3: Post-Workout whey isolate shake
  • Meal 4: 12 oz of beef with baked potato and green salad
  • Meal 5: 10 oz of chicken breast with 1/2 cup brown rice
  • Meal 6: 10 eggs whites or protein shake

Chris used to eat chicken breast, steak and turkey on daily basis. Everyone loves fish and Chris also loves some of them like halibut, tuna, black cod, salmon and prawns.Egg white is the major meal in the diet or meal plan. Egg white gave him enough protein and fulfill the source of his protein.He eats oatmeal and egg whites in breakfast. After that when it comes to lunch, He eats beef with baked potatoes and the green fresh salad.


He uses some supplements to boost his immunity and other muscles group. He uses Vitamin tablets and BCAA's to maintain his body health. He also take protein shakes regular in his daily diet.[incontent_ads]

Chris Cormier Workout starting the workout routine or training routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. And don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out, because It helps you to do injury-free workout or exercise.

Workout Split

  • Day 1: Quads and Hamstrings
  • Day 2: Chest, abs and calves
  • Day 3: Back and focuses weak bodypart
  • Day 4: Shoulders, arms, abs and calves

Quads Workout

  • 2 sets & 15-20 reps: Leg Extensions (warm up exercise)
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: Leg Extensions
  • 5 sets & 10-30 reps: Leg Presses
  • 5 sets & 12-15 reps: Hack Squats
  • 3 sets & 15 reps: Lunges

Hamstrings Workout

  • Lying leg curls
  • Stiff-leg deadlifts

Chest Workout

  • (warm-up exercise)2 sets & 8-15 reps: Incline barbell presses
  • 3 sets & 8-15 reps: Incline Barbell Presses
  • 3 sets & 8-15 reps: Flat Bench Presses (dumbbell of barbell)
  • 3 sets & 12-15 reps: Decline barbell presses
  • 4 sets & 10-12 reps: Dumbbell flyes
  • 3 sets & 15 reps: Cable Crossovers

Abs and Calves Workout

  • 4 sets & 25 reps: Knee-ups (both side)
  • 4 sets & 25 reps: Broom Twists (both side)
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: Donkey Calf Raises
  • 4 sets & 15-20 reps: Standing Calf Raises
  • 4 sets & 15-20 reps: Seated Calf Raises

Back Workout

  • 2 sets & 15-20 reps: Pullovers (warm-up exercise)
  • 3 sets & 12-15 reps: Pullovers
  • 4 sets & 10-15 reps: Pullups
  • 4 sets & 10-15 reps: Smith Machine Deadlifts
  • 4 sets & 8-12 reps: Barbell Rows
  • 4 sets & 8-12 reps: One-arm dumbbell rows
  • 4 sets & 10-15 reps: Seated pulley rows
  • 3 sets & 15 reps: Hyper extensions

Real Delts

  • 4 sets & 15-20 reps: Reverse Cable Crossover
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: Rear Laterals On Pec Deck
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: One-Arm Bent Over Cable Lateral Raise

Shoulder Workout

  • 4 sets & 12-15 reps: Lateral Raises
  • 4 sets & 8-15 reps: Military Presses
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: Rear Laterals On Pec Deck
  • 4 sets & 10-15 reps: Wide-Grip Upright Rows
  • 3 sets & 15 reps: Front Dumbbell Raises
  • 3 sets & 15 reps: Dumbbell Shrugs

Arms Workout

  • 4 sets & 10-15 reps: Preacher Curls
  • 4 sets & 8-15 reps: Barbell Curls
  • 3 sets & 10-15 reps: Concentration Curls
  • 4 sets & 15-25 reps: Rope Pushdowns
  • 4 sets & 10-15 reps: Lying Extensions
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: Overhead Extensions
  • 4 sets & 15 reps: One-Arm Pushdowns


It’s not easy to become like him overnight. But it took him a lot of years of struggle to get physiques like he has today. We can evaluate after taking a look at Chris Cormier diet and Chris Cormier workout that If we want to be like him then we need to work hard for it and his daily routine inspire us and motivate us to get a healthy body.

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