Calum Von Moger is an actor, bodybuilder and model. He was born on 9th June 1990. Calum Von Moger belongs from Victoria, Australia. Calum Von Moger enter in bodybuilding world when he was 14. He win the title of Mr. Universe three times. He is also the brand ambassador of many brands and also a fitness icon for us. In this post, we will see Calum Von Moger's Diet and Workout.Calum Von Moger tells about his diet and workout plan via many interviews, Instagram chats, and other social media platforms. He tells what he eats within a single day, and also tell that he strictly follows his daily routine of diet and workout. No matter what the schedule, diet, and workout are regular.There are a lot of people in the world who follow Calum Von Moger to be a famous bodybuilder and they really work hard to achieve it. these people believe their idol and inspiration is Calum Von Moger. He is such an inspiring bodybuilder for them. Let's see Calum Von Moger's Body Stats.
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Calum Von Moger Body Stats

Calum Von Moger's Weight is 255 lbs. (116 kg). And Calum Von Moger Height is 6 ft. 2 in (189 cm).
- Height – 6 ft 2 in (189 cm)
- Weight – 255 lbs (116 kg)
- Chest – 48 inches
- Arms – 20 inches
- Waist – 32 inches
- Thighs – 26 inches
Let's see the Achievement of Calum Von Moger In the Bodybuilding World.[incontent_ads]
Calum Von Moger Bodybuilding Achievements

- 2011 – NABBA Junior International Championships, Melbourne (Rank- 1st)
- 2011 – NABBA Junior Southern Hemisphere Championships, Gold Coast, Australia (Rank- 3rd)
- 2011 – WFF Junior Mr. Universe, Baden, Austria (Rank- 1st)
- 2013 – 1st - NABBA Class 1 International Championships in Melbourne (Rank- 1st)
- 2013 – NABBA Class 1 Southern Hemisphere Championships in Gold Coast, Australia (Rank- 3rd)
- 2013 – WFF Universe – Super body, Thessaloniki (Rank- 5th)
- 2014 – WFF Mr. Universe, South Korea (Rank- 1st)
- 2015 – WFF Pro Mr. Universe, La Ciotat, France (Rank- 1st)
- 2016 – NPC Iron games Championships, Culver City, California (Rank- 1st)
If we want to have a good physique body then we need to concentrate on our diet and workout plan. Calum Von Moger follows his diet plan and workout plan very strictly. At the age of 14, he started gym and gained muscle and weight. so if you want to do a big then follow Calum Von Moger's diet and workout plan.
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Calum Von Moger Diet
If we talk about diet, all our body health depends on what type of diet we prefer to our body, like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like what should we eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is the most important factor in building muscle. Here are 2 types of Calum Von Moger diet.
Calum Von Moger Cutting Diet
Meal 1
- Chicken
- Rice
Meal 2
- Lean ground beef
- Sweet potato
Meal 3
- Tuna
- Rice
Meal 4
- Whey Protein (post-workout)
Meal 5
- Chicken
- Sweet potato
Let's see Bulking Diet plan of Calum von Moger.[incontent_ads]
Calum Von Moger Bulking Diet
Meal 1
- Smoothie with 4 eggs
- 1 glass milk
- 1 tbsp honey
- One banana
- 3 scoops of ice cream
- 2 scoops of protein powder and a high-carb bowl of cereal (coco-pops, fruit loops, etc.)
Meal 2
- Chicken with pasta
Meal 3
- Steak with one cup of white rice
Meal 4
- Tuna with one cup of white rice
Meal 5
- Steak with mashed potatoes
- Salad
Meal 6
- Oatmeal and milk or Nutella
- Toast with a protein shake
In the Calum Von Moger diet, we see that protein, carbs, and fat are also included, Diet has eggs, Whey Protein, Chicken, and salad. So guys this is some information about Calum Von Moger's diet plan. if you want try the above meals so you can adjust according to your weight. If we have to build a strong physical body then diet is not enough we have to do more exercise and follow it 7 days of the week.
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Calum Von Moger Workout

Before starting, the workout routine or exercise routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. and Important is to don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out. This will help you to enjoy injury-free exercises. Let's have a look at Calum Von Moger's workout.
Danielle Panabaker Diet and Workout Routine [The Guardian Lady]
Day 1
Calum Von Moger’s Chest Workout on Monday is given Below.
- 3 sets & 15-20 reps — Peck deck/fly machine
- 4 sets & 10-12 reps — Incline bench press with a drop set at the end
- 4 sets & 10-12 reps — Flat machine chest press
- 3 sets & 14-15 reps — Dips (dips help to develop lower pectoral muscles)
- 4 sets & 14-15 reps — Dumbbell flyers on a slight incline
- 4 sets & 10-12 reps — Dumbbell pullovers
Day 2
Calum Von Moger’s Back Workout on Tuesday is given Below.
- 3 sets & 10-15 reps — Wide grip lat pulldown
- 3 sets & 10-12 reps — Superset of low cable pulley rows
- 3 sets & 10-15 reps — Machine row
- 3 sets & 10-15 reps — Seated cable row (great exercise for targeting middle back)
- 3 sets & 10-12 reps — Rack pulls
Day 3
Calum Von Moger’s Leg Workout on Wednesday is given Below.
- 5 sets & 14-15 reps — Leg extension
- 5 sets & 14-15 reps — Front squat machine
- 4 sets & 14-15 reps — Leg press
- 3 sets & 14-15 reps — Hack Squats
Day 4
Calum Von Moger’s Shoulder Workout on Thursday is given Below.
- 6 sets & 8-12 reps — Standing barbell press behind the neck
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Standing dumbbell press
- 3 sets & 8-12 reps — Upright barbell row
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Dumbbell lateral raise
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Cable rear delt fly
Day 5
Calum Von Moger’s Arm Workout on Friday is given Below.
- 4 sets & 10-15 reps — Straight bar biceps curl
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Alternating dumbbell curl
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — EZ bar preacher curl
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Triceps cable pushdown
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — EZ bar skull crusher
- 4 sets & 8-12 reps — Cable rope overhead triceps extension
As we see you need to work hard to achieve bodybuilding like Calum Von Moger. So his diet plan and his workout plan and daily routine inspire and motivate us.
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Social Media Profile
Calum Von Moger Instagram/Id[embed][/embed]So friend above plan is all about the Workout of Calum Von Moger. and I am sure you also read the Diet plan of Calum Von Moger.If You want to know anything about bodybuilding, nutrition, or supplements suggest me below I will post a blog on the topic. I hope you get something from this post so thank you for the visit the website. stay safe.